Jeudi 31 Mars
8:30 – 9:30 Inscription sur site & accueil des participants
9:30 – 9:45 Ouverture du symposium & introduction
9:45 - 10:20 Conférence invitée
Janice M. Reichert (Reichert Biotechnology Consulting LLC, USA) - Antibody therapeutics: Trends and challenges of development in indications that are not cancer or immune-mediated disorders.
10:20 – 11:20 Session 1: Anticorps anti-infectieux
Conférence invitée – 10:20, Matthiew Sleeman (Medimmune, UK) - Targeting pathogens in respiratory disease
Communication orale – 10:55, Thomas Secher (Inserm U1220, France) - Preclinical efficacy of Panobacumab (KBPA101) against acute Pseudomonas aeruginosa induced pneumonia
11:20 – 11:40 Pause-café
11:40 – 12:35 Session 2: Anticorps anti-cancéreux
Conférence invitée – 11:40, Karen L. Reckamp (City of Hope, USA) - Advances in antibody-based therapeutics for lung cancer
Communication orale – 12:15, Rita De Santis (Sigma Tau SpA, Italy) - AvidinOX for lung cancer treatment with low dose biotinylated antibodies
12:35 – 14:05 Déjeuner
14:05 – 15:00 Session 3: Anticorps dans l’asthme
Conférence invitée - 14:05, Bernhard Ryffel (UMR 7355 CNRS-University of Orleans, France) – Overview of mAbs in asthma. Interleukin 17 receptor A (IL-17RA) dependent allergic lung inflammation to house dust mite in mice
Communication orale – 14:40, Harshad P. Patil (University of Louvain, Belgium) - Impact of PEGylation on biodistribution and efficacy of antibody fragments after pulmonary delivery
15:00 – 15:55 Session 4: Choix du format d’anticorps
Conférence invitée - 15:00, Joerg Adamczewski (Sanofi/Genzyme, France) - The challenges & opportunities of multispecific antibodies at the example of the IL-4/IL-13 bispecific antibody SAR156597
Communication orale – 15:35, Jean-François Gestin (INSERM U892 – CNRS 6299 of Nantes, France) – The radiolabelled antibody: another compagnon diagnostic
15:55 – 16:20 Pause-café
16:20 – 17:50 Session 5: Anticorps inhalés
Conférence invitée – 16:20, Terry Sweeney (Nektar Therapeutics, US) - Inhaled antibody and antibody-based therapeutics for respiratory diseases
Conférence invitée – 16:55, Rita Vanbever (University of Louvain, Belgium) - Impact of the antibody format on their fate in the lungs
Communication orale – 17:30, Renaud Respaud (CEPR INSERM U1100- University of Tours, France) - Pulmonary delivery of monoclonal antibodies: feasibility and challenges
17:50 – 18:20 Patrice Diot (Université de Tours, France) - Enjeux cliniques des anticorps thérapeutiques & conclusions de la première journée
Vendredi 1er avril
8:30 – 9:00 Inscription sur site et accueil des participants
9:00 - 10:00 Session 6: Modèles expérimentaux en pathologies respiratoires
Conférence invitée - 9:00, Caroline A. Owen (Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Institutes, US) - Novel animal models of COPD
Communication orale - 9:35, Frédéric Ducancel (CEA Saclay, France) -Development, characteristics and potential of Non-Human Primates models of respiratory infections
09:55 - 11:00 Session 7: Pertinence des modèles expérimentaux pour le transfert à la clinique
Conférence invitée - 09:55 , Clive Page (King’s College of London, UK) - Relevance of animal models for development of drugs for treatment of respiratory diseases
Communication orale - 10:35, Antoine Guillon (CEPR INSERM U1100- University of Tours, France) – a novel method to monitor inhaled antibodies after lung deposition: lung microdialysis
Communication orale - 10:50, Stéphanie Blanc (Cynbiose, France) – Development of a cynomolgus macaque model of infection with hRSV to evaluate therapeutic approaches
11:00 Conférence invitée Alain Le Pape/Stéphanie Lerondel - Overview of imaging technology to explore the lungs (CIPA, Phenomin-Taam CNRS, France)
11:45 Conclusions & clôture du congrès
12:00 Déjeuner